As you know, we have two new language assisstants: Kate and Sarah. Kate told us about animals in North America. You can download her presentation and write some comments about what you have learnt.
To find the ppt, go to the school website: bilingual project: materials and: there you are!!!!!!
Hello I´m María of 6th and this is my comment:
ReplyDeleteThis page is very interesting.I like the beluga whale.
My favourite animals of the presentation of the teacher Kate is the snowy owl,but I like bobcat too.
Bye,bye Mr Fran.
I learn some animals.I like the presentation becouse it's very clear.Kate thanks you for the presentation.
ReplyDeleteWelldone!!!!!! Thanks for your comments. You did a nice job. Although the next time you should try to write something longer: 45-50 words would be right. Remember the writing steps -you have it in the school website and in the link I wrote in the Task 1-. Thanks to: Maria, Paula and Noelia.
ReplyDeleteok. teacher the next comment I do of 45-50 words
ReplyDeleteHi!My name`s Pepe and this is my coment:
ReplyDeleteThis page is very good and esy to use.The beutuful of this page is the worry of peple of the animals in danger.The beluga whale is very beutiful and very good animal,and never animal shounld`t disappiaer.
Hi i'm Alejandro of 1st eso:this page is very interesting because it's very clear and the snowy owl is very beautiful but bobcat too.the presentation of the teacher Kate it's very good.Thanks you.
ReplyDeleteBye bye.
HI!!!.I'm Ladislao of 1ºB ESO,looking after work of teacher Kate ,this is my coment:THE MORE I LIKE THE PRESENTATION WAS THE SNOWY OWL, BECAUSE IT IS A RARE SPECIES.
Hi!I'm Alejandro of 1ºB ESO and this is my coment:
ReplyDeletethis page is very interesting but the presentation of teacher Kate of the snowy owl,the bobcat and the beluga whale are more interesting for me and more of my friends in the school.
bye bye. By Alejandro.
I am Miguel Ángel: I see the page and is fantastic, the Kate´s presentation is more interasting, lot of animals are in danger in North American,the humans broke the animal´s habitas. Bye, Bye see you tomorrow.